Personally, I would just stop caring.
Documentation, in my opinion and in the opinion of many others, is a failed experiment. There are many specific grievances about it that can be found in the previous posts about it (see in particular @Nicol Bolas and @Peter Cordes answers); but the main underlying point is exactly what you expressed in your question:
There's no clear guidance about what Documentation should be and how it should be organized
This isn't a thing you can crowdsource; you can't just say "here's is some wiki-paper, do something about documentation for whatever project in the world you can think of; something with examples, I don't know, whatever, figure it out".
Addendum: Actually, as @Frank correctly noted in the comments, it's way worse than this, because not only the general direction is completely confused, but the provided software platform has some "hard" structure, which however is not clear at all how is supposed to be used effectively; so, while a free-form wiki has some hope to succeed if the community manages to self-organize around some emerging format, forcing the content in an opinionated hard canvas that is not adequately thought out is probably the perfect recipe for a disaster.
Stack Overflow succeeded because questions come in "for free", so to say, and there's a very specific, narrow focus on answering them in the best possible way, all while competing with other talented people. It was clear from the beginning what Stack Overflow was (a Q&A for specific, focused questions) and what it wanted to incentivize. This kind of direction helps people (especially the programmer type) to stay focused on the problem, to contribute effectively and to enforce some policies about questions and answers that most of people understand and agree to.
Documentation, on the contrary, is as vague as a project can be. No guidance is given about what kind of documentation is expected to come out of that, so everybody and their mother starts writing stuff hopefully with a certain wider idea in mind, only to find it later either completely altered or in a completely different context, because someone else had a completely different idea about how to organize the topic - possibly valid, but which doesn't fit the previous format.
The lack of a generally shared idea of what this thing should look like makes policing for bad form, bad content and, most importantly, bad organization essentially impossible; on Stack Overflow I have a well-defined idea of what a good question/good answer looks like, and I expect it to be mostly shared with other fellow Stack Overflow-ers. On Documentation everything goes, so who am I to say that some format is worse than another, and thus to try to fix a bad post into a good one?
The comparison with Wikipedia that I heard often is moot; although anybody can contribute, Wikipedia is a quite bureaucratic project, where high-level decisions about how to organize voices are heavily discussed and widely enforced. Most importantly, they do have an always-present focus about what they are doing - they are writing an encyclopedia composed of single, monographic, interlinked articles, possibly organic. Distributed knowledge about a topic is distilled into a single voice, generally decently organized, which is what makes it so easy to consult, both to get a quick insight over a given topic and to locate painlessly the information you need.
This is exactly the opposite of Documentation, where you have a multitude of non-organic, non-coordinated sub-topics that for some reasons are voted one against another, as if they were to compete although they are often talking about different aspects of the same topic - sorting by their score is literally comparing apples to oranges.
The end result is that currently Documentation is a burning pile of garbage that eats men-hours from well-intentioned but undirectioned volunteers. I'm sorry for any person who wasted his/her time on this project, but I still have to find a topic that I would suggest to a friend or a coworker to use as a learning aid. A single subtopic may be well written, but the global result is generally completely unusable for any learning endeavor that I can think of.
My proposal for those who feel frustrated about it is simple:
Don't waste your time trying to fix it; just let it die
The complete lack of direction is the only well defined aspect of this project. It has been expressed many times and wasn't and cannot be fixed. Way too much manpower has been wasted on this clusterfuck trying to salvage it.
Sooner or later they'll shut it down and we'll all have learned a lesson about wasting collective manpower in well-intentioned, but completely ill-defined, projects.