I peruse the swift tag most often, and recently I've become fed up with all of the users who are tagging their question as swift3 just because their code is using swift3. Just by looking at the tag wiki for swift3, we can see this shouldn't be the case:
Use this tag only for questions directly related to changes in version 3 of Apple's Swift programming language. Use the tag swift for more general language questions, or the tags ios, cocoa, apple-watch etc for questions about developing on Apple platforms.
Today alone I've had to edit multiple questions in the swift tag page just because they include swift3 in them. Examples include: this question, this question and this question. To be fair, this issue isn't just limited to swift3, but also saw the same problem with swift2 today in this question.
Furthermore, it is not only new users who don't understand the purpose of this tag. Today I edited a question that had the swift3 tag on it, deleting this tag, only to find out that 1. a >10k rep user added it in the first place and 2. they then re-added it afterwards. This is the question I am talking about, and it clearly has nothing to do with the differences between Swift 3.x and previous versions of the language.
I understand this still isn't "a lot" of scenarios where this is happening but it is frustrating that many users don't know how to use this tag properly.
What would be the best way to make this tag more explicit? I understand that I can edit the tag wiki, but is there any more effective way? If not, can any more experienced tag editors give some advice on how to do this properly?