There seem to be a large number of people that worry about things on Stack Overflow, but newbies are going to do what feels normal to them (thanking someone), and there will always be newbies. Why not put a little front end magic on this problem and when you see "Thanks", or "Thx" or other such phrases in a comment, pop a dialog to ask the user to upvote the question or the answer instead, and explain to the user that the way we show thanks on Stack Overflow is with those upvotes?
You might want to skip the check altogether if the character count is above a threshold, etc....
It is instantaneous positive reinforcement that won't be met with TL;DR. You could allow the user to post anyway if they insist and autoflag the comment for moderator review. If you never put thanks in a comment, then it won't trigger for you, and it saves the humans time reviewing comments. Plus it encourages the behavior you want to see.