
I want insert source files to be uploaded. In your code block to post my code means it show error at "your code length should be long".

Can any one provide a suggestion?

  • 1
    This question would belong on Meta. It needs a lot of improvement first, though.
    – jpmc26
    Oct 13, 2016 at 4:34
  • Currently there isn't. Maybe you can use external code editors like plunker and post the link in your question?
    – m4n0
    Oct 13, 2016 at 6:15
  • 4
    @ManojKumar: No. As Magisch answered: "If your code is too long and unwieldy to post into a question, you should probably work on composing a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example first."
    – Cerbrus
    Oct 13, 2016 at 7:25

1 Answer 1


There's no way for you to upload a file currently.

If your code is too long and unwieldy to post into a question, you should probably work on composing a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example first.

We don't need to see all your code, only the relevant parts.

  • 1
    And what is the suggested way to upload a file that is used as test data, for example?
    – TrojanName
    Aug 25, 2020 at 13:39

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