I have two questions here, but I think they're sufficiently closely related to combine them.
When reviewing suggested edits, I came across one that I thought was an "attempt to reply". I was about to reject it as such, but I noticed that there actually were various little things that could be improved about the post, so I chose "reject and edit" instead. My edits were applied immediately, and the suggested edit was correspondingly rejected, with a message from Community♦. I understand why it happened this way, because I have sufficient rep to apply edits without review, my edit superseded the suggested edit, but it made me wonder about a couple of things.
First, is it right that my edit should override the review process? I assume "Improve edit" works the same way, but with automatic approval instead of rejection. If reviews of suggested edits are supposed to be like voting, Couldn't people abuse this to cause their desired outcome of the edit review even though their vote was in the minority? Or is it just assumed that, since I can edit anyway, I should be able to do this?
Second, why can't I apply a rejection reason when I pick "reject and edit"? I would still prefer to indicate why I was rejecting. The message from Community♦:
This edit did not correct critical issues with the post - view the revision history to see what should have been changed.
is not accurate at all here. There weren't critical issues with the post. The edits I made were fairly minor. The issue was not about what the suggested edit didn't fix, it was about the fact that it was trying to add something that (in my opinion) it shouldn't have. This part of my question is very similar to this question, but I'm asking specifically for the option to select a reject reason.