This definitely looks like a question to me. Not an answer, certainly.
What's curious with this one is that it passed a LQP Review with 4x "Recommend Deletion" and 3x "Looks OK" 2 days ago
What's even more incredible is that it has 4 upvotes.
So, I guess just ... reflag it? Flag for moderator attention? Maybe both?
Update: As a result of this meta post, the answer has accumulated -7 votes and has been deleted by 3 delete votes. So I guess this case is (semi) solved. Link for 10k users
Update 2: According to BoltClock your flag was disputed, not declined. There is a very important distinction between these two. Declined flags usually are declined by moderators and having too many will limit your ability to flag more. Disputed flags just mean that the community review process came to a different conclusion than your flag. (Like what happened here, the LQP Review accumulated 3x Looks OK votes, thus completing the review without deleting the post)