Some givens:
- The message is not in English
- The message cannot be discussed because the room is locked
- The message was flagged
The first two make it very hard to enter the room and discuss what happened. It does not seem like there was malice to me, but it is very hard to tell even now after having some back and forth in comments.
As a result of not being able to get feedback, or determine if the message was in fact disrespectful, it is nearly impossible to invalidate these flags with certainty.
To be on the safe side these flags should be validated. If the room itself wishes to not be susceptible to this type of instant validation of flags, then it should remove its locked status and it will be a lot easier on everyone.
As it stands, the room itself is not abiding by the rules of Stack Overflow - English is the main language used here and the "third place" (chat) is expected to follow the same standards as its host exchange which is Stack Overflow. That said, this room has over one hundred thousand messages and dismissing it out of hand from one seemingly innocent exchange would be cruel and excessive.
Should the validation of flags on non English messages become excessive rooms should seriously consider switching to English.
However, none of this should be interpreted as a thumbs up to go on a message flagging spree. If you can understand the message, and it is offensive, then that is fair but simply flagging chat messages because they are in another language is going to be jarring on everyone and serve no real purpose.
When there's any doubt as to the appropriateness of a conversation (for instance: it gets flagged) and it can't be understood, it should be deleted.
- Shog9♦U r intelligent Girl yar. I m impressed
means buddy or mate.