1. Overall Suggested Review Stats
DECLARE @UserId int = ##UserId##
select total,
round(cast(approved*100 as float)/total ,1) ApprovedPercentage,
round(cast(rejected*100 as float)/total ,1) RejectedPercentage
from (
select count(case when VoteTypeId = 2 then 1 end) approved,
count(case when VoteTypeId = 3 then 1 end) rejected,
count(VoteTypeId) total
from SuggestedEditVotes
where UserId = @UserId
) as grouped;
2. Overruled Reviews
To see the suggested edits where a user voted to approve but that were rejected, or vice versa (by Gilles)
s.PostId AS [Post Link],
'site://suggested-edits/' + Cast(s.Id AS VarChar(20)) AS [Suggested Edit],
'not ' + CASE v.VoteTypeId WHEN 2 THEN 'approved' ELSE 'rejected' END AS [Direction],
s.CreationDate AS [Date]
FROM SuggestedEditVotes v, SuggestedEdits s
WHERE v.UserId = ##User##
AND v.SuggestedEditId = s.Id
AND CASE v.VoteTypeId WHEN 2 THEN s.ApprovalDate ELSE s.RejectionDate END IS NULL
Sample result:
3. Contested Reviews
To see the suggested edits where the decision went in the same direction as a user vote, but there was an opposing vote(by Gilles)
s.PostId AS [Post Link],
'site://suggested-edits/' + Cast(s.Id AS VarChar(20)) AS [Suggested Edit],
CASE v0.VoteTypeId WHEN 2 THEN 'approved' ELSE 'rejected' END AS [Direction],
s.CreationDate AS [Date]
FROM SuggestedEditVotes v0, SuggestedEditVotes v1, SuggestedEditVotes v2,
SuggestedEdits s
WHERE v0.UserId = ##User##
AND v0.SuggestedEditId = s.Id
AND v1.SuggestedEditId = s.Id
AND v2.SuggestedEditId = s.Id
AND v0.VoteTypeId = v1.VoteTypeId
AND v0.Id <> v1.Id
AND v0.VoteTypeId <> v2.VoteTypeId
Note: According to this post, Stack Exchange data updated every Monday morning around 3:00 UTC.
are constants or if they're misquoted strings. And as you had already included the link to the pypi package (which itself links to the project home page), the home page link doesn't add anything meaningful. I don't think rejecting the edit was a bad decision. I think the best course of action would have been to reject and to leave a comment.