If you want a number to indicate users on Stack Overflow (and you may not, but an awful lot of people seem to) then you gotta pick a way of measuring that. It won't be perfect at best, and it'll be grossly unsuitable at worst, but folks love numbers so you gotta pick some way of measuring that.
Counting the number of user accounts is pretty worthless for a lot of purposes. You can't really estimate how many people are visiting that way; it's a crappy number to use if you want to figure out whether your VB6 question will get answered quickly, or if you should buy ad space for your new database de-crapifying tool. Our Marketing people hate that number too, because it's a lot smaller than the estimated number of unique readers, which means it's less impressive-looking in contexts where readers are what really matters.
But none of that matters in the context of that front-page banner.
The whole point of the little blurb is to encourage folks to sign up, to stop passively reading and create an account. Not to ask questions, or answer questions, or edit, or search... Because by the time you know you want to do one of those then you're either already doing it or (in the case of asking) looking at a much more authoritarian signup banner:
So the little blurb you're seeing is encouraging you to create an account before you need it. Even if you never actually do need it. Even if it becomes abandoned and eligible for automatic removal. And in that context, the only relevant number is the number of other accounts that exist*, because that's who you're joining. You're not joining the ranks of askers or answerers or editors or people who've read the help center... If you do decide to do any of those things, you'll get a badge and a different number to count yourself a part of. But at the moment you're seeing that banner, all you're being encouraged to do is take the first, tiny step.
*So, I'm a little bit annoyed that the number used here is the total number of accounts and not the total number of registered accounts. I don't really care enough to make an issue of it (especially since the numbers are so close on Stack Overflow due to the register-to-ask requirement), but if you wanted to complain about something this'd be the thing.