Let me start with a bold claim: The triage queue does not work and the majority of votings are just noise. I think there are several reasons for that and there are very interesting suggestions how to improve, but this is not really the essence of my request.
The point I want to make is: I have the impression that development goals of Stack Overflow shifted recently. In the last few months many cool new exciting features and extensions were announced. I really like them. However, I cannot think of any major improvements to moderation problems since the introduction of triage.
Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of new features. But I think that improving the core is also important and it is getting too little attention at the moment.
But maybe I am wrong and you are already planning something? Well, we don't know. Is it possible to communicate the short-term and long-term plans of the development of Stack Overflow better, so that the community has a better overview where we are heading in the future?