OK, so I understand people moderate for free, I understand that flagging helps deal with the crud. I understand there are badges for flagging to encourage users to do so. But, as I look down my list of flags, I see 30+ pending, representing maybe 1/6th of all my flags since Stackoverflow reset the counter. Some of these are days old, some weeks, some many weeks. I doubt these will be seen to, and will lie unverified.
So if only a portion of their flags will be credited to the user (leaving aside those that are declined/disputed), then why bother flagging posts for badges when their time could be better spent?
Yes, before you answer about how it improves the community, makes you feel good etc etc, please see this from the point of view of users who only do things for the badges and not necessarily for the community. Gamification exists because it tries to answer the "what's in it for me" question to users.
Ok, so the crux of my question is as to why is there a pretty bad flags pending level when Stack Overflow actually needs to encourage flagging posts in the first place for the good of the community and should be rewarding flaggers by reviewing them?