I'm yet to see "wall of text" questions that were good, but I constantly see ones that are hard to read and make it really hard to answer.
A simple algorithm to detect "wall of text" in a question would be simple to implement in JavaScript. It would simply check "how close" something is to the word wrap limit and/or look at sentences that pass it. It shouldn't be hard to develop a heuristic around it.
It would be really awesome if Stack Overflow could warn people about to post "wall-of-text" questions about the potential formatting issue:
Warning: Posting very word-dense questions makes it hard for other users to understand the question and post an answer. Please consider re-reading the question from the perspective of someone who never heard about the problem before and breaking it to paragraphs.
Or preferably, a better warning. I think that even if this catches 5% of wall-of-text questions it will help people browsing the new questions page.