I agree with the general sentiments provided in both answers offered so far, particularly the guidance that posting a new answer that actually addresses the question squarely is better than editing an existing answer from someone else.
However, to all that I would add a strong caution against accepting someone else's answer just because you'd rather they get some extra reputation or otherwise are granted some degree of credit. I.e. I agree with the statement "either way is fine" only insofar as that's true if all else is in fact equal. But rarely is that actually the case.
If another answer to your question besides the one you post yourself is in fact the best answer to your question, then by all means accept it. But if none of the answers really answer the question, or even if they do but not as well as your own, then please accept your own.
Others seeking an answer to the same question later will appreciate it. The primary purpose of an accepted answer is to draw attention to the answer that best addresses the question that was asked. This allows others who later come across the Q&A to quickly find the information they need.
The reputation bonus to the person whose answer is accepted is nice of course, but all of us should be mature and professional enough to understand that we all share the common goal of making the Stack Overflow content as high-quality as possible, including optimizing the retrieval of information as much as we can. If that means one's answer winds up not accepted because the questioner posted and self-accepted an answer that really did a better job answering the original question, so be it. No one should ever be upset about that.
As the questioner, please do not accept an answer inferior to your own out of some sense of justice or obligation. That might be the "feel good" solution, but it fails to make the quality of the information on the site as good as it could be otherwise.