I just came across this answer in the low quality review queue:
hh fgbfdhbfghgfhngfnj safsdfhn kljhn fjkhnb fjhbn fjkhn dsfjkhbn vfduji ujhiuf juihbnf juhbn fvbjuihnbfc jbki ufu g juig fvhg
I voted to deleted it with no comment necessary, and down voted it. Are those the appropriate steps? My first instinct is to go the question, and flag the gibberish answer as "spam". However, the flag description suggests to me that it's only for promotional answers.
Exists only to promote a product or service, does not disclose the author's affiliation.
How should gibberish answers be handled within a review queue?
What if I find an answer like this while browsing the site outside of a review queue? Is it "spam", "not an answer", "very low quality", or just down-vote worthy?