Almost two years after the first misplaced request on MSE and almost a year after this fixing attempt, we still need a disambiguation guide.
Here's what guide was about when writing this post:
- created 7 years ago, info page viewed 9 times
- no tag wiki
- sloppy short tag description:
Use this tag for questions about 'guide', used in the context of
'Matlab'. Do not use this tag for questions about install guides, user
guides, etc (use tag 'documentation' for those questions instead).
- 186 questions, 84 tagged matlab
Update January 2016
I've managed to weed out every MATLAB-related question tagged guide. I've also submitted a tag wiki edit:
Tag wiki excerpt:
DO NOT USE THIS AMBIGUOUS TAG! If the question concerns MATLAB GUIDE, use [matlab-guide] instead. If it concerns documentations, the [documentation] tag may apply.
Tag wiki:
- Questions concerning the MATLAB GUIDE should be tagged matlab-guide instead
- Questions concerning documentation should be tagged with documentation instead
- General questions concerning tutorials are off-topic on Stack Overflow
(with an additional link to this meta discussion)
I believe the remainder of the guide tag is almost entirely useless. I believe it mostly correlates with opinion-based or other off-topic questions at best, and it is a meta-tag at worst. I think that without the MATLAB-related questions the tag should be burninated, then blacklisted. People will start tagging both kinds of questions as guide, since even much less subtle mistakes are constantly being made on SO.
However, I've seen a few problematic cases, which advise caution, for instance:
- this question is tagged guide but concerns itself with JS Guiders. I couldn't quickly find an appropriate tag
- this (closed) question is only tagged guide. I'm aware of the untagged tag that applies to such questions if the tag is burninated, but this might be worth mentioning.
So currently it's still up for discussion what should be done with the remainder of guide. Can it be demolished automatically by a mod/employee? And if so, should it? There are a hundred questions left, still not too much, but almost all of those questions are off-topic and need more work. Running out of MATLAB, I feel unauthorized to proceed.
Update April 2017
Since the last update I've been on the lookout for newly asked questions tagged with guide, retagging and close-voting as necessary. As the older questions slowly got retagged or closed and deleted, the number of questions tagged with guide slowly decayed to 30, after which the rest was cleaned up in a shorter push. Off-topic questions left in the tag have been closed and deleted, on-topic ones have been retagged. Thanks for everyone who chipped in.
So as of April 2017 there are 0 questions tagged with guide. Let's hope it stays this way, especially since the above deprecating tag wiki won't be reproduced if the tag gets recreated.