The question was migrated to Unix&Linux within a couple of hours of being asked. That migration was rejected from there (after I flagged it) since the question was not related to ... Unix or Linux. Now with the question back where it belongs, it sits "closed as off-topic" - this being one of the minority of questions asked on the stackoverflow GRUB tag actually related to programming.
I flagged this for attention, and had the flag rejected as "This is still not a high-quality question". Which might have been relevant if that was the reason given for the question being closed in the first place. And if the question had been low-quality, which it is not. It contains a problem description and the relevant bits of code examples to let someone have a look at it. This is more than many questions otherwise left on the site.
I'll add that several "I tried to install an operating system and it didn't work" type questions have been sitting untouched for days and weeks.
I have previously had to fight to get an on-topic GRUB question reopened. What gives? Why are on-topic questions getting closed and off-topic ones left lying? What is triggering moderators to close down actual on-topic programming questions?