I thought Stack Overflow was about programming. But I'm seeing quite a bit of questions that don't deal with programming. Instead they are about system administration, networking virtualization, KVM, etc. Are those questions legitimate or did they slip under the moderator's radar?


2 Answers 2


You're right to be suspicious; Stack Overflow is about programming, whereas Server Fault is about professional server administration, and Super User is for general software questions.

I took a look at the specific questions you mentioned and it does appear that they slipped under the radar. Specifically:

Where applicable, I have cast close votes.


Funny thing about all of those questions; none of them have answers. Yep, they slipped under the radar.

System administration questions, except when they have programming content, are off-topic on Stack Overflow. They're on-topic on Server Fault (but read their help pages first, to see how they like things).

  • They like things on Sever Fault?
    – boatcoder
    Commented May 12, 2014 at 1:52

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