We're all familiar with the numerous complaints, from both new and longtime members of the Stack Overflow community, describing this place as unfriendly, even hostile.
It's a serious enough problem that Stack Overflow started an initiative to encourage community members to "be nice."
Today, I would like to address a feature on this platform that I believe works against these efforts: downvoting.
I know; the most-beloved feature on the site. But, if you'll hear me out, I believe I can make the argument that it is, in fact, harmful, and to such a degree that it should be removed entirely.
I hold that downvoting offers no value to the participants, the community, or content quality. That at best it is meaningless, and at worst it promotes the very toxic culture Stack Overflow seeks to reform!
Arguments against downvoting:
If the goal of downvoting is to collectively object to an inappropriate question, there are already several and better ways to achieve the same end, such as flagging and moderator intervention.
If the goal of downvoting is to collectively appraise the merit or quality of a question, it fails viciously at it. It provides no explanation and the reason can be completely subjective. There are already far better alternatives such as favoriting, badges, etc.
Downvoting makes no distinction between a troll ruffling feathers and a new user, for instance, having difficulty articulating their question. Both are treated the same, sending an unwelcoming message. Are we surprised new users feel unwelcomed?
Asking, editing, moderating, answering, or commenting on a question all require effort, whereas downvoting doesn't. It's just a lazy alternative to substantive engagement, leaving no beneficial artifacts for the poster nor the community.
Downvoting is often used as a cheap, fast, and untraceable weapon in a cowardly drive-by micro-aggression without having to own up to it. It's often more damaging than a negative comment since it is perceived as collective action by the community.
After working through these, I find myself more confident than ever - but such is the nature of thinking by one's self. So, I invite your rebuttals if you would be so kind: where do the arguments that I've laid out above fail? And if they do not, what would you have us do if not refrain from downvoting entirely?
Please watch this short interview with Jaron Lanier describing the perils of the hive mind and the automation of online communities; it is not essential to understanding this post, but it had a great influence on me and I believe it is relevant: