This is probably an illusion, at least as things stand at the moment.
I wrote a SEDE query to select questions with a specific tag, bin them as upvoted (net score > 0), zero (net score 0) or downvoted (net score < 0), and show counts for each bin. (credit to Martin for help with doing this efficiently.)
For the go tag, I get 24097 upvoted, 25619 downvoted, 19880 zero-score questions: 36.8% downvoted.
Compare to, for example, python: 531821 upvoted, 678061 downvoted, 934212 zero-score questions - 31.6% downvoted.
Or c: 112084 upvoted, 134615 downvoted, 150530 zero-score - 33.9% downvoted.
Numbers subject to change over time, of course - this is just what I got trying the queries just now.
Anyway, the numbers for the Go tag don't seem way out of line. Yes, the percentage of questions that get downvoted is a little higher. But if we ignore the zero-score questions and just compare upvoted:downvoted, the situation reverses: now the Go community looks more positive than others. And it certainly appears that Go questions are much less likely to be ignored completely.
Maybe that's a community-size effect. Let's try perl - another language with a comparable number of total questions. We get... 25273 upvoted, 23139 downvoted, 19279 zero. 34.2% downvoted. Even closer, and we do see the "fewer zero-score questions" effect as well.
FWIW, I recall hearing that Haskell questions have a reputation for relatively high quality as judged by the community. This is borne out in the current analysis: I get 29019 upvoted, 12486 downvoted, 9190 zero-score questions.