To each his own, but there are users for whom "hats" adds no relevant value to this site. On the other hand opting out takes an iota of useful time and attention from them annually.
The costs of participation, however small, ought to be taxed to those who wish to play the game — not to those who'd rather not.
@CodyGray raised:
You provide no reason why your time or attention is more valuable than anyone else's.
That's because I don't claim it's more valuable, only equally valuable.
A person who clicks twice to opt-in is voluntarily giving time in pursuit of something they value.
A person who clicks twice to opt-out is put in a position where they must give equally valuable time to avoid something they never asked for and do not want.
The first is clearly the more fair outcome.
Because you're grouchy? Have a Grinch hat:
I wasn't grouchy, but now I'm slightly sad that you felt the need to resort to ad hominem over an evidently unpopular but straight forward feature request.