The problem with the system telling you why your title is bad is that it encourages people to try to game a title that meets the minimum standards without actually fixing their title to be useful to others.
You even mention that you just tried different variations of the same terse title without taking a step back and actually trying to use your title to convey what someone would search for if they had your issue.
Your title is one of the most important parts of your question (if not the most important part).
It's what is going to draw people in, get eyeballs on your question, get answers to your question, and serve as Google juice for people who have your issue in the future.
Write it well, and receive upvotes; write it poorly, and well... get rejected by the system.
A title that is rejected by our automated system is a canary in a coal mine: It's there to warn you that either your title actually needs work; or maybe your question isn't one that would do well on our site.
Your title should include the following not to be rejected by the system:
- Capitalized words where appropriate
- No misspelled words
- No shorthand speak ('u' instead of 'you', 'y' insetad of 'why')
- No excessive punctuation
- Not use the word 'problem', 'help', 'hard', 'thanks', 'please', 'vs', 'confuse', 'understand', 'best' or any of those variants
More than that, it should include the following
- More than 4 words
- Succinctly yet completely detail the problem you would search for if you had this issue.
The first set of bullet points are table stakes -- the absolute minimum a title should have; the second set will help you get upvotes for your question (and create value for the site and other users).