I now have the right to review edits to questions. I’d really like to help to improve question quality, and I want to do it The Right Way. I don’t wish to provide opinion as to what edits I should reject or allow. I’m happy to do whatever the consensus is. I want to try to gather that consensus into my own brain.
So where can I get information about specifics of what kinds of edits are good, what are bad, and what just don't matter either way?
I had put some specific questions together in my post here, but I got flamed for using backticks and the discussion got stuck there. I just learned despite using SO to ask questions for many years that using backticks for non-code is verboten. Ok...so I've got that now. I edited my post. Not a single backtick here now.
But then I was given links that I thought would answer my primary question. You can see them in the comments. But I guess those were all about backticks and about not asking this question correctly. From my reading, these don't answer my general question or my specific ones. I'm still as in the dark as when I started.
If someone can point me to information that shows how to properly review and accept/deny/modify edits, I would greatly appreciate it. I LOVE S.O., and I want it to be as high quality a resource is possible. I just want to help, and I know that I can.
Is there a forum for discussion of right and wrong regarding editing questions? I thought this might be it, but so far, I don't see that working here. Should I post my questions again here, without backticks?
UPDATE - tentatively trying again to ask more fully my original question, since nobody seems to have voiced a problem with the idea of my post...just the formatting...
So this is my attempt to get consensus on the first few head scratchers I’ve come across, and also solicit general advice, be it new information or pointers to existing SO material. I’ve pushed through (approving as is or not) a dozen or so questions so far...just ones I was pretty sure about.
First of all, is there good information I should have reviewed before asking these questions? I went to the SO Meta Help Center, and tried a bunch of searches like “guidance on editing questions”, “how to edit questions”, etc., and I didn’t find any generally useful posts. I was hoping to find something that listed simple and common edit types, and suggested how to deal with them. If I’ve just missed such available information, I’d be happy to do more reading and repost this set of questions as necessary.
In reading what I have found on editing questions, it seems that a distinction is made between making trivial edits for their own sake and making such edits as part of a larger editing task. I get this. Please assume that all of these issues are edits I’ve come across in a question where the editor has made other edits that I believe are valuable and should be applied. I’m not looking to spend time on minor textual issues that won’t substantially improve the question.
Finally, I'll say that a valid response to this is, I suppose, "You're being too anal. Just do whatever you think is best. We're not that picky about edits around here." I'm also fine if the questions below are only valuable in that they demonstrate what I'm trying to learn here. If there's no one "right answer" to these, I get that. But the, how do I learn to make my own best decisions about these sorts of calls?
1) Three times I’ve seen introductory text like (paraphrased) "I need some help with my homework…." or "I’m working on a project for my workor
I am new on StackOverflow and would like to get some help". removed.
A) accept as is
B) put the text back in, improving it grammatically as necessary
C) no change
2) The editor is mostly making a judgement call on a particular coding style or idiom.
sum= sum + num*cost;
Suggested Edit:
sum += num*cost;
A) accept as is
B) or make very minimal formatting change: sum = sum + num*cost;
C) no change
3) Original:
System.out.println("all costs are "+ cost);
It is pretty clear that ‘cost’ is not the quantity the OP meant to be printing here, but rather ‘sum’, despite the variable name.`. Does it make any difference if it’s a syntax error or just a logic error?
Suggested Edit:
System.out.println("all costs are "+ sum);
A) accept
B) no change
4) Chunks of code have been added that don’t, IMO, add much or anything to the question.
A) accept
B) no change
5) The OP pasted a paragraph of unformatted error output of 15-20 lines into his post. The main issue, IMO, was just that the error got mixed up with the rest of his question. The editor chose to put the error in a code block. In this case, the error was all on one line, so now you had a code block with a single line containing 15-20 lines worth of stuff that scrolled off to the right. That seems to me like a step backwards.
A) accept
B) Put error text in a quote block so that it stands out from the rest of the question but still wraps so you can read it all without scrolling.
C) no change
6) Editor changes a visible URL into “web link text” with the URL behind it. In some cases, they use text that existed already in the question and attach the URL to that text, and in some cases they replace the URL with new text.
A) accept
B) accept if the URL is replaced with new summary text, but change the edit if the editor chose to put the URL behind existing text and that seems to hide the URL or obscure its purpose
C) no change
7) Editor has in some way highlighted certain keywords, variable names, etc. Usually, this is done with backticks. The edits are arguably an improvement.
A) accept
B) accept, but replace backticks with ???? (I honestly don't know what the alternative is. Bold maybe.)
C) no change