I'm seeing more questions from new "contributors" that have a long, descriptive title that is, despite that, worthless. For example:
Following exception is getting thrown while trying to create Elastic Search Index through loaders in Java. Any help would be appreciated
Let me emphasize: that is a question title. It manages quite a high fault density:
- Not self contained ("Following")
- Uses words that can be tags instead (Elasticsearch, Java). Not always a problem, but if you are posting about a specific exception, the language is implicit anyway, and removing tags is a way of shortening a long title.
- Begging ("Any help.. ")
- Vague where precision would not be more verbose (what type of exception?)
- Not telegraph/ headline style ("is getting thrown" rather than "thrown"). Again, not always a problem, but definitely a problem when the title is already lengthy and verbose.
As my subjective perception is that there are more of these very recently, I wonder if the introduction of the new question wizard is encouraging posting of these kinds of titles.
If so, perhaps that wizard should be tweaked to discourage titles like that?
It looks like the new users are now mistaking the title field for the body field more than previously.
Does this matter? Well, garbage titles like that deserve downvotes for not being useful. And I believe they are correlated with unsalvageable bad questions. So if the new question wizard is encouraging questions written like this, it is setting up new "contributors" to fail, which is the opposite of being "welcoming".