I'm going to throw out some random things that have come up in conversations I've had with people about this. It's one of the more frequent things folks bring up when they have an opportunity to chat with me at events and conferences.
Interviewing is a two-way street.
How an employer looks at your history is testimony to how they'll treat you. Read that out loud if it didn't sink in fully, because it's very important to know this. If they will nit-pick through the finest of details of you honing your craft or even crudely increasing its breadth (like diving head-first into a new language), then you probably won't like how they nit-pick your work on the job.
Additionally, look out for being generalized through a tiny glimpse of who you are. Stack Overflow says some of what's important to know about you when it comes to who they're gonna hire, it's in no way a full picture, and I'd be wary of anyone that didn't know that.
It's one source of possible signal.
What if you don't have a lot of stuff on the site, or badges, or rep? What if you don't have this magical thing they keep calling spare time, and would rather spend what time you've got with your loved ones than pushing leaderboards on Github or Stack Overflow?
Be wary of those that think less of you in the absence of an abundance of artifacts of spare time and / or boredom - remember you're interviewing them, too, and that's a red flag about work-life balance expectations.
It's supposed to be about growing.
If there's no room for showing what you were, then what you are somehow seems less significant. We all came from somewhere, we all made mistakes, we all asked basic questions, we all forget to check our tone from time to time - these are things that indicate that you're a thriving human being. If someone wants a 'whitewashed' history where you're a machine that just spits out solutions to complicated questions within minutes of them being asked, then they probably have some unreal expectations about a level of output that most of us would consider adequate-to-good.
Maybe they read some old books that poorly described what a 'good' programmer looks like, but do you really have time for that? Again, you're interviewing them through how they interview you.
And more ...
Lots of good points have come up here. And I can't pretend that I've never been in situations where I took a job I knew I'd hate just because I had no other choice, where I knew by how I was interviewed and recruited that I'd be miserable. When you need the money, you need the money. As I was self-taught, SO was my best source of peer-validation, so I was especially happy to show it off (good and bad!). But you might not be. And that's okay.
The way this industry hires is broken and crappy. I like what we're doing in this field, I wish we could do more, and faster, but trying to set new bars for HR and hiring managers and recruiters to want to hit takes lots of time.
All I can say is, give frank and honest feedback when doing so won't harm your immediate goals; that's how companies ultimately rewrite what they know about hiring people. Sure, we do our best to help them succeed on our platform, which means they usually need to change their game around considerably, but they learn from you way more than they learn from us.
But seriously, if a company really raised a stink about something in your profile and it wasn't you always torturing animals in your example code through variable naming, there's something wrong with their idea of what to look for.
And, well, if you're like me - you probably think stuff about you looks way more unflattering than everyone else sees - it's just in our nature.