I've been editing a post lately and after a while, I received +4 rep points for that edit.

I assumed +2 is the common rep gain for edits.

is there a special edit aspect that gives a +4?


It seems (not guaranteed) that this scenario happens when you only add a tag to the edited post. Can the development team check this?

  • 18
    Bug report on meta Stack Exchange - The system will eventually realize it made a mistake and retract the additional +2, but we still don't know what causes this.
    – animuson StaffMod
    Commented Jul 15, 2014 at 7:25
  • 5
    Seems you edited it twice. stackoverflow.com/posts/24751779/revisions
    – Shaunak D
    Commented Jul 15, 2014 at 7:25
  • 2
    @ShaunakD if you see the second revision is returning null, so edit was recorded twice so yea its a bug
    – Mr. Alien
    Commented Jul 15, 2014 at 7:27
  • @ShaunakD - nop, it is the same edit, but i assume it is the bug animuson is reporting about
    – NirMH
    Commented Jul 15, 2014 at 7:27
  • 26
    The last two approves came in at the exact same time (at 07:00:31 UTC). I bet this happened on two different backend servers, so they both approved, saw the other approval recorded (after some deadlock breaking) and so both added the edit and gave you +2 points. A race condition. Commented Jul 15, 2014 at 7:28
  • About your edit, I "only added a tag" to a post few hours ago, got +2, not +4. Commented Jul 15, 2014 at 12:44
  • @ClémentMalet - as i said - it is not guaranteed - just trying to help the developer find the root cause. thanks for the comment
    – NirMH
    Commented Jul 15, 2014 at 12:45
  • 7
    In 36 more points, it wont matter. :)
    – crthompson
    Commented Jul 15, 2014 at 16:24
  • @MartijnPieters: Does that imply a deadlock break in which neither was the victim? - or might that be the problem? Commented Jul 16, 2014 at 13:17
  • 1
    On a bit of a tangent - why remove the C++ tag from that question? It was the only valuable tag it had. Same for another edit suggested which removed visual-c++ (1.6k followers) and added visual-c++-2008 (6 followers).
    – RobEarl
    Commented Jul 16, 2014 at 13:33
  • 4
    @RobEarl: I agree; the OP should in fact have received +0 for this edit suggestion and had it rejected. I've restored sane tags. Commented Jul 16, 2014 at 14:12
  • @RobEarl - i would assume moving to a more specific tag will serve better to the OP - as he'll get more focus from specific members. I didn't pay attention to the number of followers. this is indeed another aspect to take into consideration. or should we cancel the visual-c++-2008 tag because it has only 6 followers and already covered by visual-c++?
    – NirMH
    Commented Jul 17, 2014 at 6:22
  • @NirMH nope, use both. Related: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/265844/…
    – RobEarl
    Commented Jul 17, 2014 at 9:54
  • Whoever's trying to close this question, this should stay open. The problem is reproducible.
    – user456814
    Commented Jul 21, 2014 at 3:15

1 Answer 1


I answered over on MSE, but here is a copy:

After a ton of digging through the database trying to identify how many users hit this bug and the cause of it, we've determined that it's a race condition.

The fix will be going in this week, once we've identified all the places where we're hitting this same issue (Shog's got a list). The fix will include a redis lock (which we already use elsewhere), and it will prevent these very rare multiple entries.

As far as the rep from these aka the extra +2, there are very few cases in which this happened and it involves deleting from several tables to clean it up, so we're leaving it. It shouldn't happen again after this week, when the bug is fixed.

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