What is the purpose of the tag? It has no usage guidance. I think it’s highly ambiguous and could be used to describe many different types of things. Should it be removed?

Even the tag info says it refers to 2 totally different things - Applicable in screen sizes (html) or load on server (load testing)...and some of the questions aren't related to either of these 2...how is this remotely helpful?

  • This is the tag wiki: “The operation of making appropriate scale according to size which can be dynamic. Applicable in screen sizes (html) or load on server (load testing) Please see other related tags: resizable and resize.”. Too ambiguous. Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 17:22
  • Maybe the questions should be cleaned up and the tag wiki clarified, and then we can make the tag a synonym of e.g. resize. I'm not sure that I like burning it, because it's a tag you might naturally reach for while asking a question about sizing user interface components. A quick glance through the questions seems to imply that that's how people are using the tag, even in absence of clear guidelines.
    – Radiodef
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 17:28
  • 3
    "Highly ambiguous" isn't a strong reason to burninate a tag. There are a few questions to be answered, when requesting a burnination. Do check them out and edit your post with answers to them. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/239190/when-to-burninate/…
    – Bhargav Rao Mod
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 17:31
  • 1
    @BhargavRao actually, it's the strongest reason: Tags which fail these tests - commonly referred to as "meta tags" - are effectively meaningless, and can be actively harmful.
    – Braiam
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 17:38
  • 2
    @Braiam, "Highly ambiguous" is a strong reason for tag-disambiguation. As for burninate requests it is one of the 4 reasons (the 4th reason is ambiguity), all of which are required.
    – Bhargav Rao Mod
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 17:42
  • id say it meets all 4 requirements - meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/324070/… Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 17:49
  • even the tag info says it refers to 2 totally different things - Applicable in screen sizes (html) or load on server (load testing)...and some of the questions aren't related to either of these 2...how is this remotely helpful? Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 17:56
  • 2
    @Ctznkane525 edit your question instead of posting as a comment Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 20:23

1 Answer 1


So let's look at its cousins, and

[size] seems to support removal

Size in computing can refer to various dimensions: size in bits, in bytes, in pixels, in memory, in disk space, etc. Please don't use this tag in your posts - it's too generic to usefully categorise(sic) your question.

So that tag is too meta, we've just not cleaned it up (likely due to it having 5k+ questions), but is still describes the questions (even if it's vague). Then we have [resize]

Issues relating to the resizing of controls, windows, forms or screens.

Still meta but describes the content of the question

So I think rather than burninating this tag, we should synonym it to one of the above tags. So we could

  1. Remove [sizing] from anything also tagged [resize] (5 questions)
  2. Synonym it to [size] (most closely related)

I can't come up with a good reason to keep a separate tag around for all the various forms of [size].

  • 2
    "Still meta but describes the content of the question" if it's meta it doesn't describe the content. That's what meta means.
    – Braiam
    Commented Jul 16, 2018 at 2:13

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