So let's look at its cousins, size and resize
[size] seems to support removal
Size in computing can refer to various dimensions: size in bits, in bytes, in pixels, in memory, in disk space, etc. Please don't use this tag in your posts - it's too generic to usefully categorise(sic) your question.
So that tag is too meta, we've just not cleaned it up (likely due to it having 5k+ questions), but is still describes the questions (even if it's vague). Then we have [resize]
Issues relating to the resizing of controls, windows, forms or screens.
Still meta but describes the content of the question
So I think rather than burninating this tag, we should synonym it to one of the above tags. So we could
- Remove [sizing] from anything also tagged [resize] (5 questions)
- Synonym it to [size] (most closely related)
I can't come up with a good reason to keep a separate tag around for all the various forms of [size].
. I'm not sure that I like burning it, because it's a tag you might naturally reach for while asking a question about sizing user interface components. A quick glance through the questions seems to imply that that's how people are using the tag, even in absence of clear guidelines.