It's ok to delete downvoted posts.
Should I delete my own downvoted answer?
Upon receiving a downvote,
I review my answer and ask myself, "is there something I can improve here"? If there is, and I have time, I improve it.
If I no longer feel my answer provides anything useful to future readers of the question, I delete it.
If I still think my answer is useful and accurate, I laugh heartily at the poor deluded sucker who just wasted a downvote, and move on.
I went through the network recently and deleted dozens of downvoted posts, on main and meta sites. I cleaned house. I did not delete questions with answers on them, I did delete some upvoted questions that had no answers, that were closed. I consulted mods, via flags on each site I was tidying up on and some of the mods let me know which were worthwhile keeping around. I did all of this in consultation with Tim Post. It was Shog9 and some other users who were cleaning up their posts who inspired me to do the same.
I also requested to have two posts disassociated from my account, which was actioned by the Community Managers. So if there's issues with this, then it's something to be asked of the Community Team, as they approved it and I did it with consultation with them.
To answer your question.
There's a moderator that (imo, too often) deletes and then undeletes
their own answers on Meta. Often, this mostly happens without any
edits made while the answer is deleted.
If I delete and undelete a post, it's usually to give myself space to edit it, as I can see it needs improvement. I am busy in my life and don't always have the time to address what is needed in an edit immediately.
This is the post that was deleted and undeleted numerous without being unedited. And let's be clear it has been deleted a total of 3 times.
It was temporarily undeleted, as it was being discussed elsewhere and this discussion came up twice - so it was undeleted twice.
As you can see in this professional image -> undeleted when being discussed -> deleted 3 times -> last time was after sleeping.
I don't know what the reasoning behind it is, but it looks somewhat
unsavory. It seems like an emotional action instead of a rational one.
It was temporarily undeleted, as it was being discussed elsewhere. It was a logical decision.
(or maybe I'm just completely misinterpreting what's going on)
Yes. Yes, you are completely misinterpreting what's going on.
It comes across as if the moderator is trying to hide something, or
just can't make up their mind.
I'm not trying to hide something. I've stated the facts above. I can make up my mind. FWIW I've bought real estate and lived in it for many years, decided upon academic paths, requiring years of commitment and have held to those. So yes, I can make up my mind. I can make a decision and stick to it.
Sure, that can happen once, but it's starting to become a pattern
(Multiple different answers / questions)
This is not true. It happened once. A pattern, by definition, is something that repeats or recurs.
My suggestion:
If you're not sure of your actions, don't write an answer (yet).
Discuss it with your colleague moderators, first. If your answer is
met with negativity, don't delete it. Own up to it, learn from it.
Thank you for your guidance Cerbrus, I took your advice and waited to reply.
I do seek a lot of guidance, from the mod team, Shog9 and Tim Post.
I own up for every mistake I make on this site and ever had. I'm open and honest, but I do make mistakes. I do work hard to serve the community, which of late has been challenging, due to the state of flux in the site.
A better way to ask your question.
This post could easily have been:
Hey Yvette: I've noticed you were un/deleting this post without editing it? Is this a pattern? I'm wondering why you did that?
It's asking for clarification and facts without using slurs. Isn't that nicer than casting accusations that my intentions are disingenuous or I'm emotional and not rational?
p.s. I will take the advice of this answer and post a comment when I delete a downvoted post, I believe is not useful, from now on, so >10K users can see why.