Even that comprehensive list isn't complete: development-process, sdlc, extreme-programming, estimation, time-estimation (in some cases), software-estimation....
Most of these, if not all of them, should be pointed toward Software Engineering. However, you should be directing people at our help/on-topic page instead of the home page to make it easier for people to find a definition of our site and pointers to other related sites. I would recommend this as a general good practice whenever linking to another site (assuming they have updated this page to provide a good summary of their site's scope).
I'd be more than happy to help out make sure that these tags are clean and appropriate, but I'm not super active on SO these days, so I'd like the SO community to take the lead.
I made some changes to the agile tag that I think should generally be applied:
I changed the usage guidance (excerpt) to:
QUESTIONS ABOUT SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT METHODS AND PRACTICES OR PROJECT MANAGEMENT ARE OFF-TOPIC. Please consider Software Engineering or Project Management Stack Exchanges for these questions.
This includes terminology that aligns with one bullet point in the Software Engineering Help Center ("software development methods and practices") that is designed to encapsulate these topics. It also references the name of another Stack Exchange community (Project Management) where these questions may be on-topic. Unfortunately, you can't use Markdown in these segments.
I changed the tag info to:
Questions about project management are off-topic on Stack Overflow. Questions about software development methods and practices or software project management may be on-topic on the [Software Engineering Stack Exchange](https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic). Questions about project management practices and theory may be on-topic on the [Project Management Stack Exchange](https://pm.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic).
I removed the bulk of the useful content on purpose. I felt that it gives the wrong impression about the tag. If the only content is a warning not to use the tag, it becomes almost impossible for anyone to read the content to miss.
I did add links to the corresponding tag on Software Engineering and Project Management. In this case, both sites have an agile tag of their own. This should let people get a good idea of the questions being asked and answers being provided on the other communities. Some tags may not have a 1-1 mapping.
I would encourage people to use this wording on all of the tags that are better suited for SE or PM. If a tag is only suited for one site, please remove the recommendation for the other.
If anyone has any questions about the scope of Software Engineering, please reach out to me - I'm one of the moderators there. I'll be more than happy to help out with efforts to clean up SO tags and make sure people are being directed at the best place(s) to get answers to their questions.
SO mods - feel free to reach out to me in mod chat as well.