All the numerous questions that dump an unindented, unreadable mess of code onto the site are getting tiresome. I find such posts plain rude, as they suggest:
- "I care nothing about the quality of my question."
- "I care nothing about the quality of Stack Overflow."
- "I care nothing about how much time you have to spend at answering my question."
- "I don't take any pride in what I do/lack professional work ethic."
- Or possibly "I can't be bothered to even spend the minimal effort it takes to find out how to format code on Stack Overflow".
There are currently two available options for dealing with such questions:
Down vote and leave a comment. This rarely ever leads to the original poster learning from their mistake, let alone actually editing their question to make the code readable. Maybe one out of a hundred does. So this does not improve the quality of the site.
"Spoon-feed" the poster and fix the indention for them. In which case they will certainly learn nothing. They will come back the next day to dump another mess on the site.
You cannot close vote as "unclear what you are asking", because the messy code is accompanied with a textual question. "Unclear what you are asking" suggests that there are problems in that textual part of the question.
We used to have a close reason "must demonstrate minimum effort" which covered poor formatting, but that one was removed. I strongly disagreed with its removal, but we already had that debate over and over in multiple other threads.
If we cannot have that close reason, at the very least let us close questions where the code lacks proper indention. It is a black & white case: either the code has acceptable indention or it does not.
Therefore I propose a new close reason: lack of formatting.
I think this would improve the quality of questions considerably. With such a close reason, the poster will be forced to sort out the formatting by themselves and maybe even learn something from it.