Even after several minutes of searching, I was unable to find this issue on Meta, which surprises me. It seems like this is something that would have come up before.
The basic problem: a question, often one which is either broad, especially because it has a lot of possible answers, has been asked and answered many times on Stack Overflow. I.e. there really should just be one question, with all others pointing to that one as duplicates.
Compare to questions we have with canonical answers, e.g. "What is NullReferenceException…".
In the particular case that prompts this question, one big problem is that the question asks about a specific error message, but there are many possible reasons for this error message to occur, and thus not only does the question appear many times, each instance of the question garners a large number of answers, all of which are legitimate possibilities (but only one of which will be the correct answer in a given scenario).
Here are just a portion of all of the relevant Q&A's for the question in the example at hand (in date-asked order):
Name Does Not Exist in Namespace (asked Jan 2013, no answers)
The name “XYZ” does not exist in the namespace “clr-namespace:ABC” (asked Apr 2013, protected July 2014, 8 answers)
The name ViewModel does not exist in the namespace “clr-namespace:Project.ViewModels” (asked Jun 2013, 10 answers)
The name “YesNo” does not exist in the namespace “clr-Namespace:WPF_Tutorial.WPFTutorials.Converter” (asked Dec 2013, 1 answer)
The name does not exist in the namespace “clr-namespace:” (asked Mar 2014, 2 answers)
WPF: The name does not exist in the namespace (asked Jan 2015, 1 answer)
Ideally, someone looking for help with this error message would quickly find the one question with, at a minimum, all the possible answers. Even better would be a thoughtfully written discussion of what can cause this error to occur and the ways to fix the various causes for it.
Is there any well-defined process for addressing this kind of problem? Is it even acceptable for someone (i.e. a motivated volunteer…naturally, it's my assumption that any solution will involve one or more such people :) ) to single-handedly start closing as duplicate some of the questions (if they have moderator or gold badge status for the topic)? Is there a good way to migrate answers from various instances of the question to the target "canonical" version?