I find many questions interesting, to me, but can see that they have no special value for the community. So I can't flag them as favorite.
How can I keep track of those?
I find many questions interesting, to me, but can see that they have no special value for the community. So I can't flag them as favorite.
How can I keep track of those?
Click on the star below the vote count:
Then the question will appear in your favourites tab in you profile. You'll be able to see any changes (new answers etc.) there. There's no automatic notification for changes to your favourite questions though.
You can also click on the RSS feed for a question. It's at the bottom right of the page:
This will notify you of changes, but in your RSS reader, not Stack Overflow, and is private.
You keep track of them by marking them as favourite.
They become your favourite, not something for the wider community.
Everyone can see the number of people who have marked the question as favourite, but only you can track your favourites through your profile.