When did questions generated by AI become allowed?
Short answer: Policy is unchanged and AI generated questions are still not allowed on the site.
Long answer: Moderating questions that used AI in some way is complicated for many reasons. The fact that moderators cannot transparently disclose everything about moderating AI posts to avoid exposing heuristics does nonot make it easier either.
Primary concern and reason we don't allow AI posts is accuracy as it is explained in Policy: Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) is banned
We (moderators and experts) cannot successfully moderate AI generated answers based on accuracy alone. We must remove AI generated answers on basis that they are either completely or partially AI generated. We cannot verify and know which parts are correct and which may be incorrect.
Even if user has vetted the answer and verified the AI output, we cannot verify their claims, nor such vetting means that answer is actually correct. Code in such answers may seemingly work, but it can still be faulty or dangerous code. Explanations may sound plausible, but they can be completely wrong.
Trying to moderate AI answers based on accuracy would be arbitrary and error prone. To ensure fairness and avoid any potential harm all answers where AI was used in some way will be deleted. AI generated answers, articles, and other posts where accuracy matters can cause significant harm to the site and we have zero tolerance for those.
However, with questions accuracy is not a concern.
Questions don't have to be accurate in any way. They can be utterly wrong. Person asking question does not have to know what they are doing, they can have complete misconception about how something works, can use dangerous or poorly written code. The whole reason why they are asking question in the first place (unless it is meant to be self-answered one) is that they need help with some problem.
Because accuracy is not important for questions and AI generated questions don't cause any more harm than regular unsuitable questions, moderating those AI question is not very high on moderators' priority list.
In addition to having lower priority, there are other complications and concerns and while I could mention some, some of those I cannot freely disclose without directly or indirectly disclosing used heuristics and how we moderate AI posts in general, so I will not write about any of those. All those concerns have impact on how each individual flag on AI assisted questions are handled, and there is also more variability in how each particular moderator will handle those.
I know that this is not ideal situation for curators who want to flag AI assisted questions and not have their flags declined.
The best guidance without going into other details I can give is following:
- handle questions where AI is used the same way you would any other question - close vote and downvote where appropriate
- leave a comment (optional) to users with link to AI policy to notify those who may not be aware of the policy
- if you see some other (potential) abuse of the system use custom mod flag, you can also mention suspicion of AI
That does not mean you should not flag AI questions, but merely that you can expect that some of those flags have higher chances of being either declined or marked helpful but post will not be deleted.
Note: When asking on Meta about why some AI flag is handled in particular way, unless moderator can say "Oops, this was a mistake", we generally cannot fully elaborate why we handled something in certain way. But such Meta posts and moderator actions are being discussed internally and there are multiple moderators involved in the process.