I feel the need to add a bit more to the discussion that has not been already said. Currently, AI is being used more and more, which isn't allowed in the first place. Still, but bounties are becoming magnets for AI responses now (see How are bounties awarded to ChatGPT-sourced answerers handled?). These answers have questionable amounts of accurate information and do not count (usually) as "good/acceptable" answers. I do, however, agree with other people that it does increase the likelihood of getting a good answer. I would just be careful and test out the answer before you accept it/give it the bounty. Also, there is a good answer in How efficient is a bounty? that talks about how bounties increase views, and the more people that view bounties, the higher the likelihood of them getting a good/acceptable answer.
I know there could be more to this answer, (stats on bounty answers flagged as AI, how many answers are usually flagged as AI, etc.) that's why I'm making it a community wiki.