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Timeline for Resolving an ambiguous tag: [mri]

Current License: CC BY-SA 4.0

4 events
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Mar 5 at 19:15 comment added Karl Knechtel @VLAZ I think there's some consensus that they should be switched to different tags, but the exact tagging will depend on the exact question.
Mar 5 at 9:32 comment added VLAZ Renaming [mri] -> [ruby-mri] sounds like more work, since only ~40% of the questions in the former are about the latter. Creating a seprarate tag and cleaning up the ~60% remaining [mri] questions should be better. I'm open to what form should that be - should they be all switched to a specific tag (e.g., [medical-imaging]) or something different. I've edited my post appropriately.
Mar 5 at 8:21 history edited Amit Joshi CC BY-SA 4.0
added 221 characters in body
Mar 5 at 8:06 history answered Amit Joshi CC BY-SA 4.0