Timeline for How can we encourage answers that are helpful to people other than the asker?
Current License: CC BY-SA 4.0
24 events
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Oct 2, 2023 at 3:13 | comment | added | Peter Cordes | Most of my time interacting with answers from new users in [assembly] tags is basically mentoring, often leaving mini code-reviews in comments, pointing out bugs and/or inefficiencies. (If I engage at all.) I agree, it would be better if more people did this, but that seems only loosely related to your example of upvotes on wrong answers, and I'm not at all confident that not being able to downvote would encourage more people to comment. (In fact I expect the opposite, less engagement overall with answers if the tools for dealing with poor ones stop working.) | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 3:09 | comment | added | Peter Cordes | My answer on this meta question recommends leaving comments to suggest improvements. IDK if you think the idea of commenting to point out a bug in an answer is revolutionary, or something that people would only do if they couldn't downvote. Or you think they'd only bother to actually read answers to notice such problems if they couldn't then signal other users about the value of an answer? That makes no sense to me. If I couldn't (down) vote, I'd be a lot less inclined to spend some of my time reading other people's answers to question I also know how to answer. | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 3:05 | comment | added | Peter Cordes |
Oh, were you talking about the unsafe type punning in the implementation details of the Q3 InvSqrt as a reason it would be poorly received? I wasn't focusing on that in regards to your answer to this meta question, and that's not what either of the C++ Q&As I linked about it focused on. They were about the actual algorithm and the asm it compiles to, not the implementation details of how to write it safely in modern C++ vs. the orig. (That's still trivial, just memcpy or std::bit_cast . Worth mentioning for sure, but there are other more interesting things to talk about with that code.)
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:48 | comment | added | Fe2O3 | @PeterCordes Please don't fixate on my example of the Quake thing. I mentioned that because it does, of course, raise eyebrows. As does the other item: the job interview question. Instead of DV'ing the incorrect Banker's thing, I wrote to the person who supplied the wrong answer pointing out the problem. As I recall, I even received a "thank you". There are ways to encourage helpful answers. From those who've actually spoken up about DV'ing an answer of mine, it seems it's because I've offended sensibilities... "Well, excu-u-u-use ME!" -- Steve Martin | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:41 | comment | added | Peter Cordes |
it's the nuances of THIS compiler that one must understand and work with - Yes, exactly, and GCC and Clang only usually but not always compile *(int*)float the way people hope for, unless you use -fno-strict-aliasing . If you use a compiler other than MSVC, you've either already given up and compile with -fno-strict-aliasing , or you need to avoid anti-patterns and use std::bit_cast or any of the older safe ways to type-pun. See for example Why does glibc's strlen need to be so complicated to run quickly?
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:40 | comment | added | Fe2O3 | @RyanM It's not my intent to take away reputation from anyone whose committed the time and effort to earn that. However, when a subject "expert" dismisses a Q or an A with a mouse-click (and no explanation), the person posting is left with nothing but confirmation of the "toxic" reputation of SO. If time-rich "experts" really want to mentor beginners (in the subject or beginners on SO), then they should, imo, do that with dialogue. "The emperor indicates thumbs down" and the story ends. "How do we encourage helpful answers?" By being helpful. | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:37 | comment | added | Peter Cordes |
Re: portability. I still don't see what that has to do with type punning and your claim that it's "shunned and abhored" on SO. You still haven't clarified if I guessed right that you're talking about unsafe/incorrect ways to do type-punning. There's no reason to use those in SO answers. Not all code-bases suck; some are brand new hobby or commercial projects that don't yet have buggy code that's only safe with gcc -fno-strict-aliasing . IDK why you're explaining the concept of legacy codebases to me. Stack Overflow answers should be clean, not things that only belong in legacy codebases.
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:32 | comment | added | Peter Cordes | It's well-known that people upvote wrong answers without checking them, especially when they come from reputable users. But the initial version of dbush's answer wasn't code-only, and had 2 bullet points of "explanation". Unless that was edited during the grace period. In this case it had the shape of a good answer, and seemed plausible. The fact that it was upvoted even though the code was wrong is a separate problem that seems only loosely related to rewarding answers that obviously lack explanation. | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:30 | comment | added | Ryan M Mod | Sorry, I don't follow; how does removing downvotes "disabl[e] the ego-stoking motivation of accumulating even more points"? You don't get points for downvoting; you lose them for downvoting answers. Your solution, as I understand it, would likely result in high-rep users having more reputation points, not less. | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:29 | comment | added | Fe2O3 | One further comment about portability. Jobs are with companies that have an investment in both hardware and software. While writing portable code is an ideal in academic realms (and perhaps Github repositories), at the coalface where income is produced, it's the nuances of THIS compiler that one must understand and work with. It's the old "pay me now or pay me later" notion that most IT managers (in my experience) have little understanding of. | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:21 | comment | added | Fe2O3 | @PeterCordes My intent is expressed in the last paragraph. Once a user has demonstrated competence and commitment, achieving some threshold of rep pts, I propose disabling the ego-stoking motivation of accumulating even more points. If an 'expert' is here for the pleasure of mentoring and shepherding SO toward being a useful resource, participation, at that level, should be reward enough. | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:16 | comment | added | Fe2O3 | Please check the timeline of stackoverflow.com/q/77030709/17592432 This one I find to be a particular example of a hi-rep user posting a "code" answer (without explanation, initially) that was (check the first edit) wrong. It had already attracted 3 UV's before I pointed out the error in a comment to that user! The explanation edit appeared 10hrs after the original answer was posted... You tell me! | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:14 | comment | added | Peter Cordes | Anyway, I have to agree with RyanM here. Are you sure you're answering the right question? The problem you're trying to solve appears to be excessive downvoting on posts you think don't deserve it, by discouraging downvoting on answers in general. That's not what this meta question is about. (Or if you're seeing a connection, you haven't explained it.) | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:11 | comment | added | Peter Cordes |
If people have codebases with old unsafe code from before people started to care about being careful about stuff that only happened to work but wasn't guaranteed (or was guaranteed on MSVC but not other compilers), I hope they're compiling with clang -fno-strict-aliasing . It's definitely a potential problem, and is something to worry about, if that's what you mean by legacy code and type-punning. Reinterpreting bits is perfectly possible without UB in all C and C++ revisions, using memcpy .
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:08 | comment | added | Ryan M Mod | It's not clear to me how severely reducing the only possible active disincentive to posting bad answers (being downvoted by experienced users) would encourage people to not post bad answers. I agree that comments encouraging users to explain their answers would be good, but this seems pretty unlikely to helpfully achieve that goal. | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:08 | comment | added | Peter Cordes |
@Fe2O3: There are lots of highly upvoted questions and answers about how to correctly and safely do type-punning, e.g. with memcpy or C++20 std::bit_cast<> , or with unions in C99 and later C but not C++. If you're talking about pointer casting + dereference, then yes that's correctly shunned as non-portable (or requiring gcc -fno-strict-aliasing to make it safe). If that happens to work anyway, it's only because GCC goes out of its way to try to notice common unsafe patterns over a small scale and support what the programmer meant, despite the UB.
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:04 | comment | added | Fe2O3 | @PeterCordes The takeaway from some months of experience of SO is that type punning is to be shunned and abhorred as if it was The Dark Side. Unfortunately, in the real world of implementation, one finds companies in 2023 that still have older compilers they use, and mountains of non-C23 compliant legacy code... | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:04 | comment | added | Peter Cordes | @Fe2O3: Oh, you can just add extra printing code? Lol. I was interpreting it as needing a way to make those printf calls do the printing, because that's possible but a lot trickier. | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:00 | comment | added | Stephen C | "... which removes the user's power to DV and encourages hi-rep users to mentor newbies (via comments) toward improving their own questions or answers." ... comments which they will ignore ... because there were no DVs to get them to pay attention. But either way, the real purpose of DVs is to flag poor quality questions and answers for >other< users (e.g. real newbies) and for search algorithms. If you remove the people who are the best judges of quality from voting (because they have knowledge) then the quality just gets worse and search results return more rubbish Q&As. | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 2:00 | comment | added | Fe2O3 |
@PeterCordes The answer to the OP's question: conditional is !printf( "school" ) . The function returns the number of characters printed. The NOT makes this 0 , so the else body is executed... The candidate is being tested for thinking outside the box.
Oct 2, 2023 at 1:57 | comment | added | Peter Cordes | There's also 2019's Is it possible to write Quake's fast InvSqrt() function in Rust? as a type-punning exercise. | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 1:54 | comment | added | Peter Cordes | Re: the Quake reciprocal sqrt algorithm: you might be surprised: Is it still worth using the Quake fast inverse square root algorithm nowadays on x86-64? was a well-asked question from 2022 about it, and I was online to answer it when it was posted; a good answer helps voters see the value in a question. It got 2 upvotes the day it was posted, and 5 more over later months. Why does clang make the Quake fast inverse square root code 10x faster than with GCC? (with *(long*)float type punning) was a couple months later | |
Oct 2, 2023 at 1:52 | comment | added | Peter Cordes |
What was the intended answer? fork() == 0 or something else that returns twice, on a system where the child runs first? (Either by chance or by guarantee). Or if (jmpbuf = setjmp(), x==0) or something and a later x=1; longjmp(jmpbuf) , with suitable x , perhaps static volatile int if needed? I tried googling since I can see deleted SO questions, but didn't find it.
Oct 1, 2023 at 23:21 | history | answered | Fe2O3 | CC BY-SA 4.0 |