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Jan 10 at 22:37 comment added Peter Mortensen Part of this was used in an MSE comment (possibly out of context).
Jun 23, 2023 at 18:29 comment added LAFK says reinstate Monica Thank you for the summary. If you'll have a moment, could you put 3 things that were improved since unjust firing of Monica? This part I disagree with quite strongly with, which led me to strike since then, so I'm curious what you have seen.
Jun 22, 2023 at 23:36 history edited pppery
edited tags
Jun 9, 2023 at 7:05 answer added user16612111 timeline score: -61
Jun 8, 2023 at 10:38 comment added Steve Summit Thanks, @Cody (for this reply, and many others). It's a mark of how far trust has collapsed that I darkly imagined that an answer (that I thought I remembered) might have been summarily deleted, or something.
Jun 8, 2023 at 8:19 comment added Cody Gray Mod There was not, @Steve. I never answered this question. I answered this one, before the strike was even planned. There's also this answer by Peter Cordes who you may be confusing with me for various reasons (similar points of view, avatar colors, subject-matter expertise, etc.) and which mentioned me in the answer body. Peter's answer was written when the notion of a strike had been discuss internally, but not publicly. For me, I am not speaking much in public because I am exhausted from writing so much in private.
Jun 7, 2023 at 10:58 comment added NoDataDumpNoContribution @Yogi " contaminated with AI generated answers [...] closed loop system." It's not only a closed loop system. There is voting, editing. The whole content gets constantly changed. If the feedback part is only small, it still could be used to improve AI. There is a risk of oversimplifying the situation by just assuming that it wouldn't wok. One could imagine a symbiosis of AI and human generated content, where the AI types the text and we humans check for correctness of the proposed (hallucinated) solutions. If people like to do that is another matter, but it may result in high quality.
Jun 7, 2023 at 9:47 comment added Ryan M Mod @Joooeey To some extent, meta has always played a little fast-and-loose with the Q&A format, especially in the [discussion] tag. Here, the post sets out a topic, and answers can respond to it. Writing it as a self-answered question would make it more difficult for people who aren't those mods to respond. Your concern about not representing the positions of the striking mods is valid, though we've looked through it, one of us edited it to correct some facts, and we can post comments or answers if we have our own positions that differ enough or add enough to merit an addendum.
Jun 7, 2023 at 9:30 comment added Joooeey Even in light of the special circumstances, I'm disappointed that you're deviating from the Q&A style. This is not a question. How can we know that the position presented here is representative of those wanting to strike? I'm convinced a question & self-answer would have been more appropriate.
Jun 7, 2023 at 9:06 comment added Yogi Reading the recent CEO Update: Paving the road forward with AI it appears the plan is to sell Stack Overflow data for training AI. So you would think this would be a reason not to want the data contaminated with AI generated answers. Otherwise it's just a closed loop system.
Jun 7, 2023 at 7:48 comment added Gordon @O.Jones Joel and Jeff both have left Stack Overflow a long time ago.
Jun 6, 2023 at 15:12 comment added O. Jones I'm still on StackOverflow because of my strong respect for Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood, and for their vision. It would be great to hear their thoughts about the AI revolution and how to work with it. I'm not quite as interested in South African private equity (Prosus, the current owner of SO).
Jun 6, 2023 at 13:54 comment added Emperor Eto But if the point of the new policy is to restrict action based on one or only a few data points, or solely on hunches or suspicions, it's hard to find fault in that on its face. I guess we have to believe more is going on than folks can tell us, but - as much as I hate the idea of SO being flooded with low quality content (AI generated or not) - I'm not entirely unsympathetic to the concern of people being wrongly punished without meaningful recourse. Add to this the strong possibility of cultural/language biases factoring in and it seems the suits are in a no-win position.
Jun 6, 2023 at 13:46 comment added Emperor Eto It seems like there should be a relatively simple solution to all this. If someone gets repeated flags for suspicion of posting AI content (clearly one ding should not be enough) then they should be temporarily suspended and the burden of proof should be on them to show that they were not AI generated. I suspect the vast majority won't even bother to appeal, which means an immediate improvement. Of those who do try, I suspect most attempts will be clearly frivolous and denied. That should leave a reasonable number of cases where human judgment can be used.
Jun 6, 2023 at 4:01 comment added ewokx Thanks for the clarifications, Machavity. It's a pity that this isn't as transparent as it should be as it's terribly confusing. I only found out about this strike when I tried to post in Bad StackOverflow but was not permitted. Immediately I thought I had done something wrong, only to see Zoe's post.
Jun 5, 2023 at 13:10 comment added Elikill58 Are lack of feedback according to status-review and/or feature request/bug report in general part of reason of the "missing communication"?
Jun 5, 2023 at 12:06 history edited khelwood CC BY-SA 4.0
Jun 5, 2023 at 8:41 comment added T.J. Crowder Thanks @CodyGray. That explains the apparently contradiction (I suspected it might be something like that). I'm still not understanding the "vacate" part and wondering whether it's just an erroneous word choice in a very stressful situation. :-) Power to you folks. 🙏 This Absolutely Sucks.
Jun 5, 2023 at 8:33 comment added Cody Gray Mod Honestly, @T.J.Crowder, it's complicated, and the problem is that we mods are trying to communicate to the community the reasons why we're frustrated and driven to the point of striking without revealing specific details of the information that we were given in private and thus ourselves becoming complicit in breaking trust. All I can say is that staff did leave open the door for potentially moderating AI-gen content as low quality, but only if it objectively is, and that's a problem because (A) scale and (B) there's already been pushback on one of us for trying to do exactly that.
Jun 5, 2023 at 7:54 answer added Mark Amery timeline score: 88
Jun 5, 2023 at 7:31 history edited starball CC BY-SA 4.0
added 51 characters in body
Jun 5, 2023 at 7:21 comment added T.J. Crowder Very much behind mods here. I'm confused by this, though: You say "The only consistent part of all the guidance we've gotten could be summed up as "Delete/suspend for AI posts, just don't say it's for AI posts"." but that seems to contradict what Cody Gray says here. Then you say "In other words, we basically have to vacate the ChatGPT rule, but without saying we're vacating the ChatGPT rule." but the first part would be enforcing the rule without saying so, not vacating it. Can you clarify those? (Sorry if I just need more coffee.)
Jun 5, 2023 at 2:38 comment added Machavity Mod @Peilonrayz That's true about the orange diamond. What you're missing is that orange diamond messages are no different than any other diamond message, and once they fall out of that list they're gone for good. Unlike mod messages, there's no way to see an orange diamond list after the fact. On SO, we send a lot of mod messages (some of the most active mods are in the UK, and thus not on holiday). So when I saw the orange diamond later that evening, it was long gone. I had to piece together from sticky stars what was going on.
Jun 5, 2023 at 1:27 comment added Peilonrayz "On Monday (a major US holiday), moderators were informed, via pinned chat messages in various moderator rooms (not a normal method)," fails to mention an orange diamond notification was also sent out on the Monday. The notifications used here seems no different to the notifications used for the CoC change, and other policy changes. We were notified of changes to the CoC with an orange diamond notification and a pinned message. "not a normal method" does not seem to be a true statement.
Jun 5, 2023 at 0:24 comment added Silvio Mayolo @Marco13 I've been teetering on the edge of that mindset for years now, but some part of me just won't give in. As tired as I am of it, I'm here to fight one more fight for the good people of this community, because I still believe in our mission.
Jun 5, 2023 at 0:10 comment added Marco13 Just stubling over this, thinking: "Oh, the naive newbies, who still think stack overflow was about creating a programmer Q/A platform". It isn't. At least, not for the past >5 years. Get over it.
Jun 4, 2023 at 21:45 comment added francescalus @iBug, being "all but prohibited" means that one is effectively prohibited but the people doing the prohibiting aren't actually calling it a prohibition. "You aren't prohibited from riding my bike, but if you do I'll push your baby sister in to the river."
Jun 4, 2023 at 21:17 comment added iBug I didn't quite get what "moderators were all but prohibited from removing content we suspected was AI-generated" meant. I'm taking "all but" as "far from" (i.e. greatly supported), but I'm suspecting that this sentence intended to deliver something else that I failed to grasp.
Jun 4, 2023 at 21:00 comment added JL Peyret Is there a plan for publishing a community-led counterproposal here on how AI content should be identified, moderated or discouraged? Including avoiding discrimination against origin, while also strictly applying the same criteria regardless of origin?
Jun 4, 2023 at 19:13 answer added NoDataDumpNoContribution timeline score: 31
Jun 4, 2023 at 18:05 answer added Didier L timeline score: -100
Jun 4, 2023 at 17:26 comment added Martin James I find it difficult to support mods/CM after Monicagate and finding out that I had become racist/misogynist overnight. Nevertheless, I wiil refrain from posting answers for the duration of the action.
Jun 4, 2023 at 17:21 comment added Martin James Lol, 'there is an unrepresentative number of demographic X in jail, this MUST be due to systemic bias against demographic X, no other explanation will be permitted'. Where have I heard that before?
Jun 4, 2023 at 17:12 comment added Cody Gray Mod Hi, folks! Thanks for your interest and comments; we do appreciate them. And I know these are troubling times and we're all a bit out of sorts, but I just want to remind everyone that the answer box is down there 🡇. Please reserve comments only for suggesting improvements to the question, not giving your opinion. In this case, even asking questions about things that Machavity says here is probably better done as an answer, in order to keep the discussions more focused and avoid unwieldy comment threads. Thanks!
Jun 4, 2023 at 16:43 comment added blackgreen Mod @ThomA we burned the flag queue down from around 2000 (ballpark number made public in one of the congratulations posts to the 2022 election results) plus the daily load in a few months. We can do it again. This time the plagiarism backlog is considerably shorter thanks to all the work done in the past months. The flags build-up isn’t nearly a scary prospect compared to allowing unchecked AI crap on the site.
Jun 4, 2023 at 16:10 comment added Chindraba @QBrute The "why bother" for many, this user for one, is they helped when I needed it, so I help when they need it. They being other users, other developers. What I know, I share. The site is merely the vehicle for the knowledge, and company is the funding for the site.
Jun 4, 2023 at 16:05 history edited MakyenMod CC BY-SA 4.0
No, it's if moderators agreed, not AI detectors. While AI detectors were one indicator, they weren't the sole indicator in a suspension and some moderators never used AI detectors.
Jun 4, 2023 at 15:50 comment added QBrute Thanks for your insights. I kinda have the same thoughts on things as @halfer. I'm just a "regular" user who is using his privileges to curate the content to the best of his knowledge. But in the last few days, it really dawned on me and there's one question in the room: Why am I still doing this? orporate clearly doesn't give a sh*t, so why should I? This is probably the frustration speaking, but I wouldn't mind letting SE die in a dumpster fire at this point. Time and time again the people volunteering here were let down, so why still bother? That's why I have signed the letter.
Jun 4, 2023 at 15:49 history became hot meta post
Jun 4, 2023 at 14:38 comment added Chindraba @PeterMortensen Technically on track, though probably a bit broad. I'm not privy to the mod team (network-wide) locations, but I doubt that the extreme ends of the timezone spectrum are represented. There are still plenty of "Mondays" left on the clock though. Some mods may not have the heart to wait that long either. The untold hours of love and labor they've put into maintaining your sites are being discounted by TPTB, in a stressful and, frankly, disrespectful manner.
Jun 4, 2023 at 14:32 comment added Chindraba @ThomA Work like the devil. They know what this is going to cost them. And even then it's probably, in my thinking, less than it could be in a few months if the AI thing stands as is.
Jun 4, 2023 at 14:29 comment added Thom A Out of interest, do the moderators have plans for what will happen to the huge amount of work that will be outstanding when (if) this strike occurs and when it (hopefully) end? If this goes on for some time then the volume of flags could be a very tall mountain.
Jun 4, 2023 at 14:27 comment added Peter Mortensen Re "starts Monday, Jun 5": Time zones span 26 hours. Is it local time (for each individual moderator)? Or coordinated, like UTC?
Jun 4, 2023 at 14:26 history edited Peter Mortensen CC BY-SA 4.0
Active reading [<>].
Jun 4, 2023 at 14:19 comment added Chindraba @halfer As a user, and curator, of the site, your voice is more than welcome in supporting those who feel they must take these drastic actions. You are also welcome to join in the strike by avoiding curation activities while the moderators are on strike. Doing so will also help reduce the workload, or at least the backlog, for the site moderators who do not join the strike, if any don't that is. You can declare your intention to join the strike by signing a letter as well.
Jun 4, 2023 at 14:13 comment added Andreas condemns Israel I just feel like further contributions are flowers added to a rotting dead corpse, while the sky is spitting acid on me. Up until a week ago, I had full motivation for curating this site. Now it’s all gone. In a certain way, I kind of hope that this is the end, so we can all move on, and continue our community elsewhere, somewhere that we won’t be regularly harassed by the leadership. All these fights with SE are exhaustive and tiring. They’re demotivating, and bad for our health.
Jun 4, 2023 at 13:56 comment added halfer It's somewhat orthogonal to the issue here, but a quick ponderance on volunteerism generally. I derive some pleasure from helping curate on SO, mostly as an editor and a commenter, but I am aware it has become ingrained as an idle habit. I know the corporation behind the scenes doesn't know who the volunteers are - just that there are enough of us daft enough to work for free. I still believe in the aims of Stack Overflow (and it is still the best resource of its kind on the web), but the mounds of rubbish on the site are never-ending, and I do wonder whether it is time well spent.
Jun 4, 2023 at 13:34 comment added halfer This is brilliant, thanks Machavity. I am completely out of the loop on this, but I've spied a few messages here and there that were (inadvertently) missing a lot of history and context.
Jun 4, 2023 at 13:30 history asked MachavityMod CC BY-SA 4.0