I think this is a bad idea, and I eludedalluded to some of my reasons in the comments, but let me write up all my points:
The cat's already out of the bag
In the data dump, the badges table lists badges per user. This is available on archive.org, under the CC BY SA license. Even after removal, people can still find who earned a census badge and in which year. Arguably, it'd be a little bit more difficult, but if you're going to download the survey data and try to track down users, checking if they earned a badge in the data dump isn't much of a stretch.
Even if you were to ask archive.org to remove this from the data dump, anyone who retrieved an older data dump is free to redistribute it under CC BY SA.
The Developer Survey was never close to properly anonymous
Especially in recent years, the developer survey has included personal data with rare categories, such as gender, sexual orientation and disabilities. If someone combines this with age, country and programming experience, a significant fraction of users can likely be identified definitively.
As an employer, where you have data on earnings, company size and education as well, your odds of uniquely identifying specific users (and checking if they're wanting to move away from the work they're currently doing) is even higher.
While I applaud the attempt to protect our privacy, I don't see how this achieves anything but annoy users that had this badge previously and draw attention to the poor privacy of the survey.
What can actually be done
For the data that's available, pretty much nothing, unfortunately. It's been made available using an irrevocable open license, so while availability can be made worse, it's out.
For future data:
Reduce collection and sharing of special category data as much as possible
There's special category data (per GDPR) in the survey such as ethnic background, mental and physical disabilities and sexual preference. This should be avoided whenever possible. Even though it might be interesting, collecting and sharing it is always a risk, and imhoIMHO it's not worth the reward here
Chunk the export without providing links between chunks
When providing the export, you could not provide it as a single file, but a separate file with basic demographics, programming experience and payment details, a separate file with technologies used, country and payment details, etc. Aggregate the data to counts of combinations, and make sure all counts for specific combinations are above a threshold to make sure it's never directly personally identifiable.
Be clear about the potential for deidentification
When entering data into the survey, this risk should be communicated to the user, so the user can make an informed decision inon which data to share. Even if you don't share the data, in the Netherlands we've just had a major data leak of a polling platform, so users should be prepared shared data might become public
As a reach, there's some promising research in the medical field on generative AI for privacy preservation (feed the data to a model designed to generate non-identical data that preserves correlations found in the data), but I personally wouldn't go that route.
This is all barring that there's not some much worse privacy problem than what was hinted at, such as the order of users that got a badge being identical to the ordering of rows in the dataset or something. And even then, we'd deserve some extra details such as if the data dumps were affected.