To request undeletion, edit your post to referencereference all content written by others and then flag the post "in need of moderation intervention."
What's the likelihood of a plagiarized post actually being salvaged by edits? I suspectimagine the likelihood is very lowchances are almost nil, so this current wording seems like it would just give false hope to OPs and extra burden to mods.
Should the wording be modified to dampen expectation/entitlement? Maybe something that references causes for deletion or elements of a good answer, e.g.:
If youTo request undeletion, edit your post to reference all content written by others and the revised post contains noremove all other causecauses for deletion, then request undeletion by flagging. Then flag the post "in need of moderation intervention."
I'm not married to this new wording and welcome suggestions. My main point is just to highlight that the deployed wording invites plagiarizers to think they can get their copy-pasted answer undeleted by just tacking on a citation.