Recently, I posted an answer to an old CSS question whichthat uses a modern technique to enable something which - towhich—to the best of my knowledge - previouslyknowledge—previously wasn't possible to accomplish properly with CSS.
Before I posted my answer, I sifted through the mountain of answers and couldn't find an answer using the new technique... So I posted.
A little while later, a user commented that there was, in fact an existing answer whichthat uses the same technique.
That answer didn't really explainexplain the technique,technique; it just used it in code - whichcode—which is probably why I didn't see it before I posted.
What is the best thing to do in this case?
- Delete my answer,
- Link to the existing answer in my post,
- Do nothing, or
- Something else?
My answer was subsequently deleted by a moderator, so Itit seems that in such a case I should have deleted the answer myself in such a case.
Interestingly Unfortunately, this leaves the former answer buried amongst a mountain of other older answers which is not likely, unlikely to be seen by many.noticed.