Where possible, tags shouldn't refer to multiple things. So, having itertools be for both Python's itertools and Rust's itertools at the same time isn't a good idea. There are currently only 15 questions which have both itertools and rust.
snip: it looks like E_net4 the comment flagger's answer covers everything I was going to say about the starting situation
Actions done:
- Edited all itertools rust python questions to include rust-itertools (1 question)
Looking at the question, it's asking about how to do something in Rust's itertools based on how they did something in in Python's itertools, so ending up with both rust-itertools and python-itertools doesn't appear unreasonable. Subject mater experts are welcome to edit this if they want something different. - Edited all itertools rust questions to replace itertools with rust-itertools (14 questions)
- Search for all itertools questions which don't contain rust and which contain "itertools::" (none, after above changes)
- Search for all itertools questions which don't contain rust and which match the regular expression
/^use itertools/m
(none, after above changes) - Search for all itertools questions which don't contain rust and which match the regular expression
(none, after above changes) - Renamed itertools to python-itertools (1 tag changed: affected 2,939 questions).
- Go to edit the tag wiki excerpts and histories for python-itertools and rust-itertools. See that they ahvehave already been edited by E_net4 the comment flagger. Yay! Less work. :) Thanks.
- Create itertools ➞ python-itertools synonym.