What you can do are the usual things: downvote bad answers, flag answers as Very Low Quality or Not An Answer where applicable and/or leave a comment pointing out why the answer is wrong or bad.
If there is a pattern that a user or group of users repeatedly post such bad answers, collect examples and flag for moderator attention. A moderator can then investigate and send the user(s) a message when they think it's appropriate and escalate to the Stack Exchange employees if they think that Microsoft themselves should somehow be contacted about this issue.
Example of a mod flag (marked helpful) I sent two years ago:
This looks to be an official Microsoft support account, but they keep answer low quality questions like these and do that often with barely more than a link, e.g. answer1, answer2 images of code answer3 and other low-quality contributions. Could you please nudge them to adhere to the quality standards?
And a helpful flag sent two weeks ago (Oct 2022):
This user could benefit from a message about their prose. They use "Hi and thanks for your question/reaching out" to start most of their answers, as well as adding fluff as "hope that helps"/ "let me know if you need more assistance" etc at the bottom. Eg [link] [link] etc. Typical MSFT help desk behaviour.
I redacted the links to the answers to prevent the meta-effect.