Which you use, whether a markdown table or well formatted tabular text
is, in my opinion, purely down to preference. Both serve the same purpose, and both are consumable by the end user. (For transparency, due to the tags I anam active in I prefer tabular text
, as I find them easier to convert to DDL and DML statements.)
If a user has taken the time to provide their data in a markdown table then leave it as it is, and like wiselikewise if it's well formatted tabular text
leave it at that; simply changing the style is superfluous at best. Don't edit the post just to format the data to your preference.
If the data isn't well formatted (some users post data straight from Excel so it's tab delimited, but then looks awful as tabular text
for example), then if when you improve the formatting you convert it to a markdown table, then I wouldn't be against this, as the initial data wasn't as easily consumable.
Assuming the question you reference is this, in truth it looks like that the OP wanted a markdown table, but then put the markdown in SQL code fences; so I would (personally) suggest that changing it so that the markdown table was rendered is fine, but the change should only be done if you were fixing other problems with the question. There is, in fact, not really anything that needs amending in that question by anyone other than the OP, so making the change was, at best, superfluous.
If you wanted, you could have educated the user instead to advise them that if they wanted the tables rendered as markdown tables, then they should remove the code fences (```) surrounding the markdown.
Ideally, however, for SQL questions DDL and DML is far more useful to users answering the questions.