The tag pd currently has a tag wiki excerpt which reads:
PD is the abbreviation for Placement Driver, which is the managing component of TiDB. It is used to manage and schedule the TiKV cluster. PD supports distribution and fault-tolerance by embedding etcd.
Though in practice, it ends up on many pandas questions because of the common import alias:
import pandas as pd
The tag appears on 6057 questions.
On 35 questions it appears in addition to pandas, there are also 10 pandas-related questions where it appears instead of pandas (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). For all of these questions, the tag pd has no meaning and either should be replaced with pandas or removed.
Pure Data
There is 1 question where pd is used to mean puredata.
Note: the puredata wiki excerpt and their website support the usage of "Pd" as an "official" alias for Pure Data:
Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing.
(This has already been corrected.)
TiDB Placement Drivers
There are 11 questions which use pd with tidb/tikv (inline with the tag wiki excerpt). (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
There are also a few questions where it's not clear (to me) why it has the tag at all (1, 2, 3).
There is a currently pending tag synonym which maps pd to pandas which might make sense given that the majorityonly in terms of actual usage seems to be pandas related. The issue is thatof the tag, while there isbut does not fix the ambiguity of the tag.
There was already a puredata tag which makesmade it easy to fix that question, there is not a ready replacement for Placement Driver.
As TiDB Placement Drivers are outside my area of expertise, is there a reasonable replacement for pd which is less ambiguous in meaning for these questions like pd-server or tidb-pd (as suggested by Tom in the comments below)?
It may also be worth noting that the last TiDB PD question was over 2 years ago, and the last pd to mean pandas was 2 days ago (the majority of recent usage favours pandas).