Today I came across the untagged tag. Of course it's kind of funny and reminiscent of Russell's paradox: "the tag that tags questions that aren't tagged".
But my question is more on a practical level. What is this tag for and how do we use it? This question, How to tag an untagged question using a rare technology?, suggests it's a meta tag, but is it? Wasn't it supposed to be gone? Is see in the tags page that it was added yesterday. Should it be removed again?
Either way, it would be useful for the tag to have a guidance explaining its purpose and restrictions, if any.
As suggested by Jeanne Dark, I tried to add the tag to a question and got this:
The 'untagged' tag is not allowed.
This tag is for use by the system for questions that have had all other tags removed. Please use a real tag instead.
Which establishes that it's a special tag indeed. Still, guidance would be useful.