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Apr 11, 2022 at 16:46 comment added Tim Abell I'm just letting meta know how I feel and what my experience has been, nothing more than that. I think the original question here was balanced. The full set of answers and comments was a bit of a shock to me arriving late to the discussion. I really hesitate to write anything here at all as I have found meta to be caustic compared to the main stackoverflow site. I'm not looking to defend anything, just share my experience as someone on the receiving end of such a discussion.
Apr 7, 2022 at 21:23 comment added Lance U. Matthews @TimAbell This question is about the content of the answer you posted. I asked because I genuinely did not know the answer; what should I have done instead? Which part(s) of this Q&A are "attack[ing]" you and, considering no one mentioned you by name nor demeaned your character, how did they do so "personally"? That you emphasized "kind" also suggests that there are unkind messages towards you on this Q&A; if so, where? "license that encourages ... extending with attribution" — You didn't provide attribution. "help others with what I create" — Others created the content you posted.
Apr 7, 2022 at 10:26 comment added Tim Abell Just for the record, I am still upset about this discussion. I created that answer because I found the existing list of answers to be hard to process and use to solve my immediate problem. My understanding was that all content on SO is under the same license that encourages reuse and extending with attribution. I was not aware of any particular requirements for how that should be done. I feel personally attacked by this discussion. I do nothing but try to help others with what I create. If it wasn't up to standard then some kind messages to that effect would have been appreciated.
Nov 12, 2021 at 9:52 answer added Ian Kemp timeline score: 0
Nov 10, 2021 at 16:02 answer added Laurel timeline score: 7
Nov 10, 2021 at 11:30 comment added Thom A I do agree with @VLAZ that direct attribution is likely uneeded, provided you denote that the words aren't your own and that the source is from a different answer on the same question. I honestly think my main "gripe" is that the content comes across as the OP's own words, as they aren't in block quotes; they should still be in them when you aren't using your own words.
Nov 10, 2021 at 11:19 history became hot meta post
Nov 10, 2021 at 10:29 comment added VLAZ @LanceU.Matthews in terms of sufficient attribution I'd say "no, it's not needed". I side with zcoop98 and his answer to "Is full attribution required when quoting parts of the question in an answer?" - the license agreement tends to be practical and since the answers are all linked under the same answer you probably don't legally have to explicitly attribute them. Probably. But maybe you do. I'm not actually clear on the situation in that meta Q. However, from knowledge perspective you want attribution. Which also satisfies the legal question.
Nov 10, 2021 at 10:24 comment added Lance U. Matthews I suppose another way I could have framed this question was, for all the places I've read "link to the source" as the proper protocol, does a question (page) have to link to (a subset of) itself? @VLAZ That question raises some good points and I agree that linking/quoting the source answer of content is good practice and helpful to the reader, but my issue is whether that's required from the standpoint of providing sufficient attribution and/or performing content evaluation.
Nov 10, 2021 at 10:23 answer added VLAZ timeline score: 3
Nov 10, 2021 at 10:14 comment added VLAZ @Larnu Sorry, I was trying to be as generic as possible about "attributing other answers to the same question". For the record, I do agree - I am not in favour of posting an answer that just repeats other answers. Be it a summary or not. It might be useful in some cases but I'd say we shouldn't be discussing them in generic terms but very, very specific ones.
Nov 10, 2021 at 10:08 comment added Thom A But the entire post is solely made up of vague references, @VLAZ. There is no original content in it.
Nov 10, 2021 at 10:07 comment added VLAZ @Larnu it talks about how to improve vague references and why you'd want to do that. I'd argue that an unattributed quote qualifies as a vague reference.
Nov 10, 2021 at 10:05 comment added Thom A I'm not sure that answer is really applicable here, @VLAZ . It explain how you should be referencing other content on the site, but it doesn't state that combining several of the "good" answers into one (with or without attribution) is "ok".
Nov 10, 2021 at 10:01 comment added VLAZ "Therefore, do the usual attribution rules still apply, or is it enough to say "This content comes from somewhere on this page" and leave it to the reader to determine where and from whom?" I'd posit this question you asked is not useful. I'd take a more practical approach "If an answer refers to other answers, does it improve it to have a link to said answers". And I'd argue that the answer is "Undoubtedly yes". I don't see a reason to withhold this information. It makes tracking down the answer and thus further information easier. See also
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:51 comment added Thom A I said "borderline", @Tom, because they do state it is from content on the same question; so you don't have to "look" for the original source. Don't misunderstand me, I do think it's wrong, and I'm on the side of the fence where I feel it is plagiarism; just not as clear cut as some of the content you see (where no blockquotes or any kind of citation or acknowledge that the words are not original exist).
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:47 comment added Tom @Larnu I honestly don't see how it is "borderline", it is quite clear to me. They even copied the image created by someone else, so one couldn't argue that they just came up with similar code.
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:43 comment added Thom A Seems like possibly, option 11: Something Else. Raise a custom moderator flag, explaining why the answer shouldn't exist (for reasons you've highlighted) and they can handle it. Getting the "normal" curators to delete it would be impossible, without a voting ring; and those aren't helpful to anyone.
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:38 comment added Braiam None, the answer shouldn't exist, even with attribution. Why are we duplicating the same information?
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:38 comment added Thom A TL;DR: It's borderline plagiarism, and doesn't add any additional value (as the information is already there in a different answer).
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:38 comment added Thom A I agree that although it's nice to have all the information in one answer, it's already in one place; the entire question and answers. The fact, however, that the user's who's answer it is doesn't use blockquotes is a big "no-no" for me. If you don't check the rest of the question, it could come across as the answer is the user's own words. This is especially true where the only attribution is "This answer is a rollup of all the existing answers for your convenience"; there's no actual links to the answer or user as per the cc by-sa rules.
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:34 history asked Lance U. Matthews CC BY-SA 4.0