How about reducing the friction on the queue? Since SE started modifying the queue at the start of the year, the average time it takes to complete a single review task has been growing, despite the fact that it's the same number of posts into the queueit's the same number of posts into the queue. From 3-6 hours last year, to +30 hours this year1. That's 10 times more. So, it's not unexpected that the first post queues are growing wildly. The only queue that exhibits a marked improvement in the time to completion times is the close queue, which has other explanations (from reducing the number of close votes, to the invalidation).
The issue with the first post queues is that a single action completes the review and yet they are taking way too much time. The data is still not in for the separated queues, but I expect that first Q's continues to grow until reviewing improves.
1(This includes the time the post waits in the queue before someone sees it)