Answer by jd-stack:
Can two collectives have a tag in common, i.e. could there be competing collectives?
Answer by jd-stack:
Technically that is possible, however, this would be an edge case: (random example: [google-maps-sdk-ios]). We do expect that in the vast majority of the cases a tag will be associated with only one collective. We will monitor this as we expand the product and create a structural approach if/when it happens more than we expect currently.
Can a question with tags in multiple collectives have recommendations from multiple collectives (on the same or different answer)?
Answer by jd-stack:
All these scenarios are possible. Think about recommendations almost as some Meta dataMetadata to the answer from a certain perspective. From one perspective one answer could be the most favourablefavorable way of doing it, from another perspective another answer could be. It’s also possible that there is one answer that for both collectives would be a good way of doing this.