Accessing the "All actions" tab on the profile page on the main site now reliably results in a Oops! Something Bad Happened! page.
The error page appears after a roughly 30 seconds delay.
URLs to test with:
Your activity. The result should depend on how much you have there. -
An active user's activity. Should fail every time.
This happened before and was quickly fixed (but tagged no-repro like it happens for some reason with problems that are quickly fixed).
Like before, it may only be happening to users with a lot of history.
Now it happens again; starting a new question about it as suggested.
As of 2020-09-09 01:00pm UTC: my 'All actions' gives a one second delay, Gordon Linoff's gives a 5 seconds delay; no Oops.
As of 2021-04-27 07:47am UTC: Started happening again. This time though, the Gordon Linoff's link works fine every time, whereas mine ( fails every time after 30 seconds.
Works again.
As of 2021-06-22 09:56am UTC: Started happening again. This time, again, the Gordon Linoff's link works fine every time, whereas mine ( fails every time after 30 seconds. Another user posted a question about it.
Works again as of 2021-06-22 10:35am UTC.
AsAs of 2021-10-29 08:02am UTC: Started happening again. This time, again, the Gordon Linoff's link works fine every time, whereas mine ( fails every time after 30 seconds. Another user posted a question about it.
Works again as of 2021-10-29 0809:02am15am UTC: Started happening again. This time, again, the Gordon Linoff's link works fine every time, whereas mine ( fails every time after 30 seconds. Another user posted a question about it.