BobBob's comments weren't rude, but they were the problem here, IMO.
That Alice reacted so poorly and that originally "broke the rules", is a distraction. Yes, Alice reaction is awful and does not help matters. Yes, Alice shouldn't have disregarded the rules "just because".
But Bob's comments were not necessary nor useful, and triggered the whole unpleasantness. We have tools in place to deal with Alice breaking the rules.
A "Not an answer flag" is all that was needed. Even coupled with a downvote, to help drive the message home.
We need to let the system work instead of engage in fruitless discussions.
We are all "moderators" in the sense that we use the different moderation tools (votes, flags, review queues, etc.) to curate the site. That doesn't mean we are supposed to act as "teachers" for users on how to use the site.
Unless one is very good at it (and Bob wasn't) it is very easy those efforts will be poorly received.
And if the one on the receiving end of that unsolicited advise is not particularly sensible and reasonable (and it looks like Alice wasn't), you have a recipe for bad experience for everyone.
TLDR; Less comments. More votes and flags.