It seems that the missing "Suggested people feature" on mobile version of the website is a known limitation that is not going to be supported.
According to this [Meta SE answer][1]Meta SE answer, in fact
The [missing auto-completion feature] is by design -- the mobile site has limited functionality and name autocomplete is not supported on it.
It is actually an old answer (2014), but it isand actually something changed since then: the current statemobile the version of the artsite specifically designed for mobile is obsolete and no longer being actively maintained. [1]:
Any user should instead use Using SO on a mobile devicethe responsive view of the site, even from mobile phone because it is better in every way. If you are using the old mobile version you can switch to responsive view by clicking on "full site" link in the footer. Responsiveness can also be enabled/disabled there, too, but you don't want to disable it on mobile for obvious reasons.
With the responsive view version of the site nickname suggestion in comments works also from mobile phones.